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Press Release: Safeguarding

Updated: Nov 18, 2023

Safeguarding is an integral part of the work of a governing body. Our members already benefit from our Safeguarding Policy and the work we are committed to doing in this area, ensuring all within DanceSport are in the safest possible environment.

The BDSA aligns itself with the Sport England definition of safeguarding:

‘Safeguarding in sport is the process of protecting children and adults from harm by providing a safe space in which to play sport and be active. A key part of child safeguarding is spreading the message about keeping children safe and building a culture of always acting in the best interest of all children.’ To this end the BDSA Vice President is the appointed Welfare Director and should be the first port of call for any safeguarding concern.

Our Safeguarding Policy considers all participants engaged in the world of DanceSport and establishes those that are young, as well as those that are in a vulnerable position, need clear safeguarding. To this end we require all dance teachers and those who have regular contact with children and vulnerable adults to have an enhanced up-to-date DBS check which the BDSA holds and works with a reputable organisation to attain.

The BDSA has also identified the need for a process of supporting our member parents and member guardians in this area, and we hope to upload ‘A Carers Guide’ shortly to our website which can be accessed and downloaded free of charge to our members.

We recently publicised an event inviting awarding bodies to a Safeguarding Roundtable which will take place on 6th November 2023. The roundtable has the intention of forming the basis for our national framework for safeguarding which will be made available to industry before the end of the year

This Safeguarding Roundtable will start promptly at 10am, however registration will be from 930am. There is no charge for this event however please do email with your intention to attend. Tea, coffee, and lunch will be provided.

The BDSA Board are pleased to be a thought leader in safeguarding those within our sport and recognise that others are following in our footsteps.

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